College Programs

Northwest Florida State College Division of Humanities, Fine & Performing Arts

The Humanities, Fine & Performing Arts program at Northwest Florida State College features a host of academic majors and performance opportunities for students interested in the arts and humanities.

Because of its association with the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, it presents unique opportunities for professional-level experiences in dance, theater, voice, music, and visual arts. These experiences complement academics that provide the core for select two-year A.S. degrees, industry-specific certificates, or two-year transfer programs.

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Affiliated Programs

Voices of Northwest Florida is a unique and exciting ensemble that performs music from all decades. This group has been designed to promote excellent musicianship and character building through its various genres, including inspirational ballads or more modern pop hits! The intention behind creating this vocal showcase at NWFC was not only for it to represent the college on-campus but also beyond – promoting our outstanding rich arts and music heritage.

Vocalists interested in the group please email


The Raider Rhythms Dance Ensemble serves as the official dance team of Northwest Florida State College. Dancers are selected by audition, and scholarships are available for qualified students.

The Raider Rhythms dancers experience numerous performance opportunities throughout the year, including halftime performances at Raider basketball games. Dancers also perform at events hosted by the Fine & Performing Arts Division such as holiday shows and mainstage events.

Ensemble members train in ballet, jazz, and modern as well as learn pom and hip hop choreography.

Contact Caitlin TaraBori at for more information.

Northwest Florida Symphony Chorale is open by audition to students, staff, and members of the community. The chorale performs at local churches and on Mainstage with the NFSO and other ensembles doing works such as Handel’s ‘Messiah’. Solo opportunities are often a feature of the Chorale.

The chorus performs major choral compositions during the Fall and Spring Terms of each year and maintains a select membership of auditioned singers.

Students can earn college credit for participation in chorale (MUN1390), however, community members are allowed.

For more information, contact David Simmons at (850) 729-6074 or

Jazz Ensemble plays jazz, big band, and rock in an ensemble setting.

It is open by audition to any student instrumentalist who wants to develop professional performance abilities pertinent to the jazz band style. Students must have some experience in high school bands or be playing consistently in other venues.

Jazz Band performs at area events and festivals, competes in local competitions, and performs in concert on Mainstage at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center twice per year.

Students will earn credits in Rock & Jazz Ensemble (MUN1720A) and may apply for Fine & Performing Arts scholarship coverage. An accompanying lesson in Applied Music for a chosen instrument may also be approved.

Contact Fred Domulot for more information at

Sponsored by the Arts, Humanities, Communications and Design division, the summer musical allows students to participate in every aspect of theater production: musical theater stage performance, set construction, lighting, sound, costume, and orchestra.

Participation in the summer musical is open by audition to all students and members of the community. Auditions are usually held in April with rehearsals commencing with the start of the college’s summer semester. Musical Theatre produces one Broadway-style musical each year in summer.

While working in the musical, students can earn theater arts credit depending on their area of participation. Students are also eligible to receive Fine & Performing Arts scholarship support for the summer musical courses.

Join the Northwest Florida State College Film Club and meet other people who share your love of film! This club screens films and then discusses them afterward. It’s free and open to students, faculty, staff, and the public.

For more information, please email:

Dance Facets is an annual production hosted by the NWFSC Dance Department. The event showcases choreography from students, faculty, and guests spanning various styles — from classical ballet to jazz to contemporary to tap. And sometimes there’s even a surprise or two. Members of the community are invited to audition and participate in this annual concert. Auditions are usually hosted in early November, with rehearsals beginning the following January and show dates in April.