Educational Programs

The Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra has been providing innovative music education outreach to area youth since 1987, reaching more than 100 thousand children with the Emerald Coast’s most comprehensive K-12 endeavor.

The fundraising efforts of the NFSO Guild have allowed many children in our community to experience orchestral concerts and music programs that help vitalize young lives by providing an outlet for creativity that is not always available.

The Northwest Florida Symphony Orchestra is committed to the welfare of our community. We recognize that music and art programs provide children with an opportunity for self-expression and learned skills to build self-esteem and respect.

Northwest Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra

A grant from the NFSO Guild established the region’s first youth orchestra program. Participants benefit from the state-of-the-art facilities of the Mattie Kelly Arts Center, instruction by NWF State College music faculty & affiliation/collaboration with the NFSO.

Contact the NWF State College Fine Arts Division at (850) 729-5382 for more information.

Annual 5th Grade Concert

For over 30 years, the NFSO has provided a free annual concert for Okaloosa & Walton fifth-grade students with specialized youth-oriented programming and teacher curriculum. This annual event not only provides entertainment that encourages and inspires youth in their educational journey, it encourages them to have fun!

During the annual event, the NWF State College Fine Arts Division sponsors a popular “Picture the Music” art contest in conjunction with the annual theme of the NFSO 5th Graders concerts. Cash prizes are awarded to winners and all artwork is displayed in the lobby of the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Mainstage theater.

This event is free of charge.

Contact Suzanne Flood, Audience Services Coordinator, at (850) 729-6065 to make your reservations.

LINK UP! with Carnegie Hall

The NFSO was the first to bring Carnegie Hall’s Link Up! programs to students in our region. Through Link Up!, students in grades 3–5 have the opportunity to join the orchestra in this highly participatory program, where they learn to sing and play an instrument providing kids with an interactive experience in music they wouldn’t normally get elsewhere.

Link Up! provides just what any young aspiring musician needs: guidance from seasoned professionals who know exactly how to provide encouragement and positive memories for a lifetime.

Contact Lynne Fehrenbach, NFSO Education Director at for Link Up! participation information.

Feature: On the Coast Magazine

KATS: Kids at the Symphony

The future of our community is bright!

Youth selected by area schools and their families attend NFSO concerts free-of-charge. The free concerts are an opportunity for youth to enjoy live music and engage in an on-stage visit with the conductor.

Call (850) 678-5111 ext. 6625 for participation information or email: