Orange Hasta by Steve Donegan of Philadelphia, PA (Digitally Woven Cotton Thread)
Orange Hasta by Steve Donegan of Philadelphia, PA (Digitally Woven Cotton Thread)
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Orange Hasta by Steve Donegan of Philadelphia, PA (Digitally Woven Cotton Thread)
Jazz Singer by Carol Doenecke of Bradenton, FL (Pastel on Paper)
Mending by Christine DiStaola (Oil on Canvas)
Jetting by Shosh Cohen of Longwood, FL (Alabaster)
Square on Gray, White, and Pink by Larry Bunch of Myrtle Beach, SC (Photography)
Tower by Peter Britton of St. Joseph, MO (Digital)
Too Big; TooSmall; JustRight, AfterGoldilocks by Sarah Bielski (Oil On Canvas)
In too Deep 2 by Nicole Beltran (3D Anaglyph Digital Art)
Severance of a Dwelling by Charles Barger (Wood, Metal)
Pop Goes the Weasel – Robert Arbogast (Digital Art)